Within the initiative »KI-Fortschrittszentrum LERNENDE SYSTEME UND KOGNITIVE ROBOTIK«, the Team Applied Neurocognitive System at Fraunhofer IAO investigated the decoding and feedback of users’ mental states during a cognitive task with concurrent emotional distraction. Identifying users’ mental states is a decisive task for many human-machine applications (HMI) like in industrial production, semi-autonomous vehicles, medical surgery, or in the context of learning and educational systems. While affective states (i.e., emotions) are related to satisfaction and motivation, cognitive states (e.g., effort and workload) are related to exhaustion, stress, and fatigue. In this study we wanted to identify and continuously monitor these mental states by measuring and decoding brain activity. Furthermore, we explored interactions between affective and cognitive states (c.f., Moore et al., 2019) and developed an intuitive feedback of the recognized states to the users. By providing users with insights on their current affective and cognitive state, we were able to investigate the importance of the feedback’s reliability, appropriateness, and accuracy for the users’ attitude towards the system and their performance. Users’ reactions to the feedback were captured on a neurophysiological, subjective, and behavioral level.